As the trends turn to fall, our color palette changes as well. This year blue is our base color. It is anchored with earth tones like rust and taupe and enlivened with bright, lively pops of color. Pantone dubs it "a unity of strength, confidence, and complexity."
"Blue skies represent constancy as they are always above us. Gray gives us a feeling of stability, Red tones invite confidence and warmth, while the hot Pinkish Purples and spicy Mustard Yellows suggest a touch of the exotic."-Pantone

Pictured above you see the purple and pink tones and the rusty earth tones. Mixes like eggplant, cranberry(red tones), and rust (earth tones) all play well with the fall color palette. They also all pair well with an easy blue base. As much as I love summer, I'm getting excited for these fall colors!
Check out the mixes here: